Data transmission has become integral to the operations of various industries, and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. Considering how ubiquitous those transmission systems have become, it’s natural to wonder about their sustainability. Systems that rely on fiber optic cables have been lauded for their eco-friendly features. A fiber optic feedthrough can further enhance a system using those cables. Learn more about the environmental benefits of those fiber optic networks by continuing below.

Fiber Optic Cables Are Remarkably Efficient

Maintaining an efficient home environment can be difficult because some appliances still use electricity while switched off. An average desktop computer still uses 80 watts while idle. Laptops consume less electricity while idle, but you’re still paying for 20 watts, according to GloBird Energy. Thankfully, your network can be efficient with the help of fiber optic cables.

Energy efficiency is arguably the main environmental benefit of using fiber optic cables over the other options. Fiber optics don’t have to use nearly as much energy as copper cables because they rely on light. You can operate more efficiently by using that light to power your network. Adding a fiber optic feedthrough to the equation will only take your network’s operating efficiency to the next level.

Fiber Optic Cables Use Sustainable and Durable Materials

Fiber optic cables are also considered eco-friendly options because of their material makeup. The aforementioned cables are made from silicon dioxide. The materials used to make silicon dioxide are easily found and sources. On the other hand, the main material used to make copper cables is not nearly as accessible.

You should also consider using fiber optic cables to build your eco-friendly network because of their durability. The fiber optic cables in your system can stay in place for a long time. The materials used for those cables are optimized better compared to their copper counterparts.

Fiber Optic Cables Reduce Electromagnetic Fields and Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Finally, you should use fiber optic cables because they reduce the production of electromagnetic fields and carbon dioxide emissions. Electromagnetic fields can harm nearby plants and animals. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide emissions contribute to rising global temperatures. You can reduce the adverse effects of your data network by using fiber optic cables instead of other alternatives.

Creating an eco-friendly data transmission network is possible if you use fiber optic cables. Supporting with a fiber optic feedthrough will only enhance its capabilities. Purchase the feedthrough that can maximize the potential of your fiber optic network by contacting PAVE Technology today!