PAVE Thermocouple Hermetic Feedthrus and bi-directional seals will seal both pressure and vacuum in either or both directions. For pressures above 300 psi (20 bar), please check with the sales engineer if changing the pressure direction shown on the drawing.
Thermocouple feedthrough hermetic seals are for low or high vacuum and pressures of any type of solid conductor Teflon® or glass braid insulated thermocouple wire pairs with hermetic seal temperature ranges between -200C to 200C depending on the design or customer requirements. All types of thermocouple hermetic feedthrus cables are available hermetically sealed including K, T, J, E, N, RxSx, and to any combination or cable lengths as well as shielded cables. The thermocouple cable conductor remains continuous through the hermetic seal which allows for the highest temperature accuracy. Welded wire junctions can also be ordered. Multi-pin hermetic connector versions are also available. Both standard and custom design hermetic seal designs are available for both small and large quantities with a variety of mounting styles and cost-efficient designs, O-ring face or piston seals, NPT seals,
Both standard and custom design thermocouple hermetic feedthru seal designs are available for both small and large quantities with a variety of mounting styles and cost-efficient designs, O-ring face or piston seals, NPT seals, Conflat ®, ISO and custom flanges including electron beam or laser weld. Our hermetic epoxy cable seals are highly resistant to solvents, fuels, fluids, and gasses.
Also, our epoxy hermetic seal is NASA approved for low outgassing in high vacuums up to 10^-8 Torr.
See our Quick Ship Feedthru List. Please contact us for assistance or new designs. Let us know more about the thermocouple feedthroughs you need.
Use your keyboard’s shortcut ctrl+ F buttons to bring up your browser’s find dialog box to then enter and go directly to a particular part-drawing #.
Installation Port | Thermocouple Type | Total Wires | PAVE Description Codes, Housing & Wires | AWG # | DRAWING # |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type E FEP | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-ET20-48-48,Type E FEP | 20 | 1602 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type J FEP | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-JT20-48-48, Type J FEP See Quick Ship List | 20 | 1664 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-KT20-48-48, Type K FEP See Quick Ship List | 20 | 1601 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-TT20-48-48, Type T FEP See Quick Ship List | 20 | 1650 |
1/16″ NPT | Type J FEP | 2 | PT1-SS-150-1P-JT24-50-50mm | 24 | 2409 |
⅛” NPT | Type K FEP | 2 | PT2-B-80-1P-KT30-55T-4 | 30 | 3782 |
1/16″ NPT | Type K FEP | 2 | PT1-SS-150-1P-KT24-10M-6M | 24 | 4080 |
⅛” NPT | Type K FEP | 2 | PT2-B-200-1P-KT30-26.5-13.5 | 30 | 4179 |
⅛” NPT | Type K FEP | 2 | PT2-SS-150-1P-K30-120C-4W | 30 | 2154 |
¼” NPT | RxSx | 2 | PT4-SS-200-1P-RT30-6-42 | 30 | 4733 |
⅛” NPT | Type T FEP #30 AWG with calibrated welded tip bead | 2 | PT2-B-80-1P-TT30-67T-72 | 30 | 4718 |
¼ NPT | Type T FEP | 2 | PT4-B-200-1P-TT20-96-24 | 20 | 3462 |
3/8″-24 SAE thread | TThermistor | 2 | SO6SW-AL-150-2-18-DELPHI-THERMISTOR HVAC | 18 | 3851 |
6.27mm piston o-ring | Type K FEP | 2 | SP4S-E-150-1P-TT36-71-BEAD | 4098 | |
⅜”piston o-ring | Type K FEP | 2 | SP6-E-150-1P-KT24-36-36 | 24 | 1606 |
o-ring face seal | Type K #30 | 4 | SP6H-E-200UL94-2P-KT30-12-118 10k psi | 30 | 5634 |
⅜” piston o-ring seal | PTFE | 6 | SP6-E-150-4/1P-TE28/TT30-9-9 | 20 | 4086 |
¾” piston o-ring | Type K PFA insulated | 2 | SPF12-E-150-1p-KT20-48-11T | 20 | 4957 |
½” o-ring face seal | Type Bx FEP | 2 | VS8-SS-150-1P-BX20-180-36 | 20 | 1621 |
½” o-ring face seal | Type Sx FEP | 2 | VS8-SS-150-1P-SX20-180-36 | 20 | 2035 |
½” o-ring face seal | Type Kx Kapton | 2 | VS8-SS-150-1P-KK20-12-100 | 20 | 4816 |
NW16 flange | Type J FEP | 3 | NW16-SS-200-3P-JT20-104-4 | 20 | 2622 |
¼” NPT | Type E FEP | 4 | PT4-SS-150-2P-ET20-48-48 | 20 | 3687 |
¼” NPT | Type T FEP | 4 | PT4-B-150-2P-TT24-16-16 | 24 | 2136 |
⅜” NPT | Type K FEP | 4 | PT6-SS-150-2P-KT24-6-.2 | 24 | 3378 |
5/16-24 UNEF-2A | Type K FEP insulated | 4 | SO5-AL-150-2P-KT30-12-12BEAD | 30 | 5181 |
7/16″ SAE thread | Type K | 4 | SO7L-SS-150-2P-KT24-3122P-48 Type K | 20 | 4004 |
½” SAE | Type J FEP | 4 | SO8X1688-AL-150-1/2-JT20/E16-3-3 | 16 | 1648 |
¾” piston o-ring | RsSx | 4 shielded | SP12-E-150-2P-RTS20-120-120 | 20 | 1808 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type J FEP insulated | 4 | VS15L-SS-200UL94-2P-JT20-210-48 | 20 | 5677 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type Bx FEP | 4 | VS15L-SS-150-2P-BX20-360-120 | 20 | 1963 |
½” o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 4 | VS8-SS-150-2P-KT24-72-18 | 24 | 2470 |
½” o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 4 | VS8-SS-150-2P-TT24-30-30 | 24 | 1997 |
NW16 KF16 flange | Type J FEP | 6 | NW16-SS-150-3P-JT20-72-36 | 20 | 5395 |
¼”NPT | Type J FEP | 6 | PT4-SS-150-3P-JT24-36-36 | 24 | 1559 |
¼ NPT | Type T FEP | 6 | PT4-B-150-3P-TT24-16-16 | 24 | 3716 |
¾”NPT | Type E | 6 | PTN12-SS-150-2P-ETS20-24-480 | 20 | 4745 |
1″ NPT nipple | Type K shielded | 6 | PTN16-SS-150-3-KT20TWSH-72-180 shielded | 20 | 4476 |
½ piston o-ring | Type K & J | 7 | SP8M-E-150-1P/1P/3-KT20/JT20/TEE24-12-12 | 24 | 3706 |
2.75″ Conflat flange | Type K FEP | 8 | CF275/PT12-SS-150-4P-KT20-99920P-360 | #20 | 5221 |
NW 40 KF20 flange | Type K FEP #30 | 8 | NW40-SS-150-4P-KT30-5T-26 welded BEAD | 30 | 5675 |
⅜” NPT | Type K FEP | 8 | PT6-SS-80-4P-KT24-300-300mm | 24 | 1493 |
½”NPT | Type T FEP | 8 | PT8-B-150-4P-TT20-72-72 | 20 | 1737 |
½” mNPT | Type K FEP | 8 | PT8-SS-200-4P-KT20-24-144 | 20 | 5042 |
¾”NPT nipple | Type T FEP | 8 | PTN12-SS-200-4P-TT20-24-36 | 20 | 5260 |
¾”NPT nipple | Type J FEP | 8 | PTN12-SS-200-4P-JT20-24-48 | 20 | 2241 |
1″ NPT nipple | Type J FEP | 8 | PTN16-SS-200-4P-JT20-36-240 | 20 | 1757 |
⅜”NPT nipple | Type R FEP | 8 | PTN6-SS-200-4P-RT24-36-204 | 24 | 1478 |
1 1/4″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 8 | VS18-B-150-4P-KT20-99920P-12 marine bronze shells | 20 | 5191 |
1 1/4″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 8 | VS18-B-150-4P-KT20-99920P-12 marine bronze shells | 20 | 5192 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP & #16 PTFE | 12 | VS15L-SS-200-4P/4-KT20/TE16-3470P-12 | 20 & 16 | 5754 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type R & K FEP | 8 | VS15L-SS-150-2P/6P-RT20/KT20-36-3 | 20 | 2038 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type Bx FEP | 8 | VS15L-SS-150-4P-BX20-120-120 | 2850 | |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type Bx FEP | 8 | VS15L-SS-150-4P-BX20-120-120 | 20 | 1620 |
1″ o-ring face seal | SX FEP | 8 | VS15L-SS-150-4P-SX20TWSH-120-120 | 20 | 5194 |
1 1/4″ o-ring face seal | Type D | 16 | VS18-SS-200-8/4P-K20/TCD-15-15FT | 20 | 5650 |
1″ NPT | Platinum | 9 | PT2-SS-150-5-TE24/PFA36(Pt)-4-15 3k psi | #24 #36 | 5310 |
KF40 NW40 flange | Type K #24 FEP | 10 | NW40-SS-150-5P-KT24-48T-48T | 4953 | |
NW40 Flange | Type T FEP | 10 | NW40-SS-150-5P-TT24-1M-1M | 24 | 1680 |
1¼” NPT | Type K FEP | 10 | PT20-SS-200-5P-KF22-48-48 | 22 | 2234 |
⅜”NPT | Type K FEP | 10 | PT6-SS-150-5P-KT24-84-36 | 24 | 1604 |
½” NPT seal | Type T | 10 | PT8-SS-200-5P-TT20-48-48 | 20 | 4590 |
½”piston o-ring | Type K FEP | 10 | SP8S-E-150-5P-KT24-36-36 | 24 | 1896 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type Bx | 10 | VS15L-SS-150-5P-BX20-240-240 | 20 | 4988 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 10 | VS15L-SS-150-5P-KT20-5m-25m | 20 | 3104 |
1″ o-ring face seal | #18 BARE NIOBIUM SOLID | 10 | VS15L-SS-150-10-NB18- 72-12 | 18 | 5450 |
½” o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 10 | VS8-SS-150-5P-KT24-10-10 | 24 | 2716 |
2 ½” sanitary flange 316SS | Type J FEP | 12 | CLF3(2.0)-316LSS-200-6P-JT28-10M-10M | 28 | 5357 |
NW 25 KF25 flange | Type Bx glass baid | 12 | NW25-SS-200-6P-BX20-48-48 | 20 | 5430 |
NW25 flange | Type K FEP | 12 | NW25-SS-150-6P-KT20-24-24 | 20 | 1960 |
NW40 KF40 | Type K FEP | 12 | NW40-SS-150-6P-KT24-48T-72 weld BEAD | 24 | 5800 |
1/2″mNPT | Type T #20 FEP | 12 | PT8-BNP-150-6P-TT20-18-32 | 20 | 5066 |
¾” NPT | Type T & K FEP insulated | 12 | PT12-B-150-3P/3P-TT20/KT20-120-120 | 20 | 5002 |
¾”NPT | Type K FEP | 12 | PT12-B-150-6P-TT20-72-72 | 20 | 4363 |
1″ NPT nipple | Type K Glass Braid | 12 | PT16-SS-150-6P-KXG16-36-36 | 16 | 2161 |
1″NPT | Type Jx FEP | 12 | PT16-SS-150-6P-JX24-300-180 | 24 | 3697 |
1″ NPT hex nipple | Type K FEP | 12 | PTN16-SS-150-6-KT20-48-48 | 20 | 5449 |
1½” NPT | Type J FEP | 12 | PT24-SS-200-6P-JT20-24-24 | 20 | 2428 |
½”NPT | Type K FEP | 12 | PT8-SS-150-6P-KT20-12-12 | 20 | 2583 |
1″ NPT | Type T FEP | 12 | PT16-SS-150-6P-TT20-48-96 | 20 | 4800 |
1″NPT | Type t | 12 | PT16-B-150-6P-TT20-72-72 | 20 | 4345 |
½ ” piston o-ring | Type K FEP | 12 | SP8L-E-150-6P-KT30-12-12 | 30 | 4419 |
17.37mm piston o-ring | Type K FEP | 12 | SP11M-E-80-6P-KT24-180CM-7CM | 24 | 1517 |
1″ o-ring face seal | K Refrasil | 12 | VS15L-SS-200-6P-KR20-96T-96T | 20 | 2667 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type R & C FEP | 12 | VS15L-SS-150-4P/2P-RTT24/CX24-36-48 | 24 | 1505 |
1;” o-ring seal | Type E FEP shielded | 12 | VS15L-SS-150-6P-ETSS20-15-15 | 20 | 1404 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Cx PFA insulated | 12 | VS15L-SS-150-6P-CXT24-12-12 | 24 | 5095 |
½” NPT | Type K FEP | 14 | PT8-SS-200-2/6P-TEE22/KT36-23.5/17-23.5/17 | 36 | 2908 |
¾”NPT | Type E | 21 | PTN12-SS-150-7P-ETS20-24-480 | 20 | 4744 |
Conflat 1.33″ | Type T FEP insulated | 16 | CF133-SS-200-8P-TT24-120-38 | 24 | 5775 |
DN40 flange | Type T FEP insulated | 16 | NW40-SS-150-8P-TT20-1M-1M | 20 | 5113 |
¾” NPT | Type T FEP | 16 | PT12-SS-200-8P-TT20-24-24 | 20 | 2150 |
¾” NPT thread | Type J FEP | 16 | PT12-SS-200-8P-JT20-36-72 | 20 | 4360 |
½” NPT | Type T FEP | 16 | PT8-SS-150-8P-TT27-84-96 | 27 | 1944 |
1/2″ mNPT | Type K FEP | 16 | PT8-SS-200-8P-KT24-120-40 | 24 | 5052 |
½”NPT | Type T or K FEP | 16 | PT8-SS-150-8P-TT24-40-120 See Quick Ship List | 24 | 3285 |
¾” NPT nipple | Type J FEP | 16 | PTN12-SS-200-8P-JT20-36-180 | 20 | 1679 |
¾”NPT | Type T FEP insulated | 16 | PT12-SS-150-8P-TT20-48-96 | 4839 | |
¾” NPT | Type K FEP | 16 | PT12-SS-200-8P-KT24-72-120 | 24 | 3691 |
1″ NPT hex nipple | SX FEP | 16 | PTN16-SS-150-8P-SX20TWSH-72-180 | 20 | 5195 |
¾”piston o-ring | Type Sx FEP | 16 | SP12-E-150-8P-SX20TWSH-240-180 twisted shielded pairs | 20 | 5196 |
¾”piston o-ring | Type Kx | 16 | SP12-E-150-8P-KX20-240-180 | 20 | 4809 |
17.32mm piston o-rings | Type K FEP | 32 | SP11H-E-200-16/8P-TE28/KT28-24-24 10k psi | 16 #28 and 8 pairs Type K #28 | 5764 |
½” piston o-ring | Type Bx FEP | 16 | SP12-E-150-8P-BX20-240-180 | 20 | 0722 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type Rx glass braid | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-8P-RSXG20-118-118 | 20 | 5588 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type Rx & N glass braid | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-6P/2P-RSXG20/NG20-118-118 | 20 | 5589 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type Rx & N glass braid | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-6P/2P-BXG20/NG20-118-118 | 20 | 5590 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type K #20 glass braid | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-8P-HTKT20-48-180 | 4854 | |
1″ o-ring face seal | Bx | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-8P-BX20-3M-3M | 20 | 4275 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-6P/4-TT20/EE22-48-48 | 20 | 2214 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type E #24 PVC | 16 | VS15-AL-150-4-TSPEP24-72-18 twisted shielded pairs | 24 | 5485 |
1¼” o-ring face seal | Type K FEP shielded | 16 | VS18-SS-150-8TSP-KT20-18T-18T term | 20 | 5360 |
1¼” o-ring face seal | Type Rx shielded FEP | 16 | VS18-SS-150-8TWSH-RPS20-300-60 | 20 | 3692 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type Cx | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-CX24-72-12 | 24 | 4964 |
1⅝” o-ring face seal | Single disconnect Type Cx | 16 | VS22-SS-200-8P-CX16-120-3450P | 16 | 2707 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Single disconnect Type K | 16 | VS22-SS-200-8P-K16-120-3450P | 16 | 2706 |
3/4″ NPT | K, T, J, or E | 18 | PTN12-SS-200-9P-KT TT JT ET | 20 | 904 |
1¼” NPT | Type K FEP | 18 | PT20-SS-200-9P-KF22-48-48 | 22 | 2125 |
1″o-ring face seal nut | Type K glass braid | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-KG20-48-48 | 20 | 4994 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-KT24-96-96 | 24 | 2129 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type R FEP | 18 | VS15L-SS-150-9P-RXT20-48-48 | 20 | 1875 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K | 18 | VS15-AL-150-9P-KT20-12-12 | 20 | 4715 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K & R FEP | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-4p/4p-KT20/RT20-12-48 | 3513 | |
1 5/8″o-ring face seal | Type Bx glass braid | 18 | VS22-SS-200-9P-BX20-120-3450S | 20 | 5380 |
1¼”o-ring face seal | Type K #22 | 19 | VS18P-SS-150-19-K22-3899920PS | 22 | PT-1073 |
1¼”o-ring face seal | Type K | 19 | Pushthru PAVE-Mate® replaceable core | 20 | PT-1074 |
2¾” Conflat flange | Type Cx glass braid | 20 | CF275-SS-150-10P-CXG24-12-72 | 24 | 5564 |
2¾” Conflat flange | Type Rx Sx | 20 | CF275-SS-150-10P-RT24-120-120 | 4831 | |
NW50 KF50 | Type K & Bx FEP | 20 | NW50-SS-200-2P/8P-KT20/BX20-36-36 | 20 | 5573 |
NW/KF40 | Type J #24 FEP | 20 | NW40-SS-150-10P-JT24-96-48 | 24 | 5513 |
1″NPT | Type K | 20 | PT16-SS-200-10P-KT20-36-X WELDED TIP | 20 | 4720 |
1 1/4″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 20 | VS18-SS-150-10P-KT20-20-20 | 20 | 5102 |
1¼” o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 20 | VS18-SS-150-10P-TT20SLE-72-72 | 20 | 2225 |
Custom 6″ flange | Type K FEP | 24 | FL-SS-150-12P-KG20-96-36 glass braid tc | 20 | 2145 |
NW40 flange | Type Bx FEP | 24 | NW40-SS-150-12P-BXT20-48-48 | 20 | 2441 |
NW40 flange | Type K FEP | 24 | NW40-SS-150-12P-KT20-48-48 | 20 | 1581 |
NW40 flange | Type Ni/NiMo FEP | 24 | NW40-SS-150-12P-Ni/NiMoT18-36-24 | 18 | 1843 |
NW40 flange | Type N FEP | 24 | NW40-SS-150-12P-NT20-48-48 | 20 | 2429 |
1″ NPT | Type K #20 | 24 | PT16-SS-200-12P-KT20-18-18 | 20 | 5504 |
1″ NPT | Type K FEP | 24 | PT16-SS-150-12P-KT20-120-480 | 10 | 2317 |
¾”NPT nipple | Type J FEP | 24 | PTN12-SS-200-12P-JT20-24-48 | 20 | 2240 |
1″ NPT nipple | Type K Glass Braid | 24 | PTN16-SS-200-12P-KG20-36-36 | 20 | 3115 |
1″NPT nipple | Type K FEP | 24 | PTN16-SS-150-12P-KT20-420-180 | 20 | 3662 |
1½” NPT nipple | Type Sx FEP | 24 | PTN24-SS-200FR-24-SXT20-360<24 | 20 | 2323 |
17.37mm piston o-ring | Type K FEP | 24 | SP11M-E-200-12P-KT30-400-400cm | 24 | 3585 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 24 | VS15-AL-150-12P-TT20-96-24 | 4534 | |
1″o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 24 | VS15L-SS-150-12P-TT24-1M-1M | 24 | 4621 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 24 | VS15L-SS-150-12P-KT24-300mm-300mm | 24 | 4524 |
1″o-ring face seal | Type C FEP | 24 | VS15L-SS-150-12P-CT24-120-60 | 24 | 1586 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Telfon | 16 | VS15L-SS-150-2/1/2-TSP26/USB3.1/USB2.0-34-34 | 26 | 5459 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type T & E shielded | 24 | VS15L-SS-200-10/2-TT20TWSH/ET20TWSH-36-60 | 20 | 4574 |
1¼”o-ring face seal | Type R FEP | 24 | VS18-SS-200-12P-RT20-12-12 | 20 | 2564 |
standard density | dual sided | 25 | SP46/13-E-150-25-20-DSUB-DSUB TYPE K CONTACTS | 20 Type K | 3714 |
19.05mm piston face o-rings | Type T FEP #26 | 26 | SP11H-E-200-13P-TT26-96-18 | 26 | 5656 |
1¼”o-ring face seal | Type T special limits | 26 | VS18-SS-150-13P-TT24SLE-120-120 | 24 | 4560 |
1¼” o-ring face seal | Type K & R FEP | 26 | VS18-SS-200-5P/8P-KT20/RT20-180-180 | 20 | 2009 |
1⅛”piston o-ring | Type T FEP | 27 | SPF18-E(1.125DIA)37-TT24 | 24 | 1232 |
1 1/4″ o-ring face seal | Type J FEP insulated | 30 | VS18-SS-150-15P-JT20-5M-5M | 20 | 5110 |
2.5” sanitary flange 316SS | Type J #28 Teflon | 30 | CLF3(2.0)-316LSS-200-15P-JT28-10M-10M sanitary fitting hermetic passthrough | 28 | 5068 |
KF40 NW40 flange | Type T FEP insulated | 32 | NW40-SS-150-16P-TT24-108-48 | 24 | 5729 |
2¾” Conflat flange | Type T #24 FEP | 32 | CF275-SS-150-16P-TT24SLE-96-48 | 24 | 5609 |
2¾” Conflat flange | Type T FEP | 32 | CF275-SS-150-16P-TT24-96-48 | 24 | 4900 |
NW40 KF40 LF flange | Type K FEP | 32 | NW40-SS-150-16P-KT24-108-48 | 24 | 5154 |
1″NPT | Type B FEP | 32 shielded | PTN16-SS-150-8-BT20TWSH-72-180 | 20 | 4477 |
1″ hex nipple NPT | Type T twisted shield | 32 | PTN16-SS-150-16P-TT24TWSH-36-84 | 24 | 5387 |
17.37mm piston o-rings | Type T #30 FEP | 32 | SP11H-E-200-16P-TT30-96-18 | 30 | 5656 |
1″ jam nut o-ring face seal | K #30 | 38 | VS15L-AL-150-16P/8-KT30/TE30-12-48 | 30 | 5552 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K | 40 | VS15-AL-150-16P/8-KT30/TE30-12-48 | 30 | 5294 |
1″ o-ring face seal | Type K FEP insulated | 32 | VS15-AL-150-16P-KT30-12-48 | 30 | 5187 |
1′ o-ring face seal | Type K #30 FEP | 32 | VS15L-SS-150-16P-KT30-12-48 | 30 | 5135 |
1¼”o-ring face seal | Type T FEP welded bead | 32 | VS18-SS-150-16P-TT24-144-60 BEAD | 24 | 5394 |
1¼”o-ring face seal | Type E FEP | 32 | VS18-SS-200-16P-ET24-96-60 | 24 | 2759 |
1-¼” o-ring face seal | Type R FEP | 32 | VS18-SS-200-16P-RT24-12-12 | 24 | 3724 |
1 1/4″ o-ring face seal | Type T FEP insulated | 32 | VS18-SS-150-16P-TT24SLE-144-144 | 24 | 5180 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 32 | VS22-SS-150-16P-TT20-24-24 | 20 | 1871 |
1⅜” o-ring face seal | Type J & K FEP | 34 | VS22-SS-150-5P/2P/20-JT20/KT20/TEE20-72-72 | 20 | 2275 |
Tri clamp 2″ | RTD | 36 | VS15L-SS-200-12-RTD(3WIRE)-46T-24 | 24 | 5851 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 36 | VS22-SS-150-18P-KT20-48-48 | 20 | 1779 |
2¾”Conflat | Type K FEP | 40 | CF275-SS-200-20P-KT24-36-60 | 24 | 5150 |
1½” NPT | Type T FEP | 40 | PT24-SS-150-20P-TT24-36-36 | 24 | 1683 |
2¾”Conflat flange | Type K #24 | 40 | CF275-SS-200-20P-KG24-36-36 glass braid insulation | 24 | 5749 |
2¾”Conflat | Type K FEP | 40 | CF275-SS-150-20P-KT24-12-36 | 24 | 4646 |
1⅝” o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 40 | VS22-SS-150-20P-TT20-48-48 | 20 | 1790 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 40 | VS22-SS-200-20P-KT20-24-60 | 20 | 2347 |
1⅝” o-ring face seal | Type R FEP | 40 | VS22-SS-200-20P-RXT20-24-60 | 20 | 2032 |
1ⅼ”o-ring face seal | Single disconnect Type T FEP | 40 | VS26-SS-200-20-TT20-3122P-300 & SC3126F20-20-TT20-120 | 20 | 2205 |
KF40 NW40 | Type K FEP Insulated | 48 | NW40-SS-150-24P-KT24-48-108 | 24 | 5760 |
KF40 NW40 | Type T #24 FEP | 48 | NW40-SS-150-24P-TT24-36-36 | 24 | 5828 |
1½” NPT nipple | Type Sx FEP | 48 | PTN24-SS-200FR-24TP-SXT20-360<24 | 20 | 2322 |
o-ring face seal | Type K dual sided connector | 50 | SP58/16-E-150-50-20-DSUB-DSUB TYPE K CONTACTS | 20 | 5344 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 50 | VS22-SS-150-25P-KT20-36-36 | 20 | 2063 |
1⅝” o-ring face seal | Type E FEP | 50 | VS22-SS-150-25P-ET24SLE-60-48 | 24 | 2184 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type N FEP | 50 | VS22-SS-150-25P-NT20-36-36, Ni | 20 | 3212 |
1⅝” o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 50 | VS22-SS-150-25P-TT20-36-36 | 20 | 2057 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 60 | VS22-SS-150-25P/10-TT20/TEE20-48-48 | 20 | 3508 |
1⅝” o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 60 | VS22-SS-150-30P-TT24-120-24 | 24 | 1626 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type E FEP | 60 | VS22-SS-150-30P-ET24-144-72 | 24 | 3304 |
1⅝” o-ring face seal | Type E FEP | 60 | VS22-SS-150-30P-ETSLE24-300-30 | 24 | 3533 |
1⅝”o-ring face seal | Type E Glass Braid | 60 | VS22-SS-200FR-30P-EG24-24-240 | 24 | 3646 |
1⅞” o-ring face seal | Dual sided connector Type T | 61 | VS26-SS-150-61-20-3470PS Type T thermocouple contacts | 20 | 2734 |
2¾”conflat | Type K FEP | 72 | CF275-SS-150-36P-KT24-18-36 | 24 | 3667 |
1⅞” o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 80 | VS26-SS-150-40P-TT20-72T-120T | 20 | 4032 |
1⅞”o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 80 | VS26-SS-150-40P-KT20-48-48 | 20 | 3590 |
1⅞” SAE | Type T FEP | 80 | SO26-SS-150-40P-TT20-100-100 | 20 | 2372 |
2½”o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 80 | VS32L-SS-200-76P/4P-NT20S/RST20S-60ft-2ft | 20 | 3803 |
4.5″ Conflat flange | Type T FEP | 96 | CF450-SS-150-48P-TT24-36-36 | 24 | 5770 |
2¾” conflat | Type E FEP | 100 | CF275-SS-150-50P-ET24-18-36 | 24 | 3666 |
2½”o-ring face seal | Type E FEP | 140 | VS32-SS-150-70P-ET20-96-180 | E20 | 3313 |
2½”o-ring face seal | Type T FEP | 140 | VS32-SS-150-70P-TTSTR20-48-84 | 20 | 2535 |
2½”o-ring face seal | Type K FEP | 160 | VS32-SS-150-80P-KT20-48-48 | 20 | 1773 |
2½” o-ring face seal | N & R/S FEP | 160 | VS32L-SS-200-76P/4P-NT20S/RST20S-60ft-2ft | 20 | 3802 |
2 1/2″ o-ring face seal | Type T FEP insulated | 250 | VS32-SS-150-125P-TT24SLE-144-144 | 24 | 5179-3 |